Pubblicazioni scientifiche sulla viticoltura da tavola – febbraio 2017

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Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla viticoltura da tavola aggiornate al mese di febbraio 2017.

  1. Identificacao dos custos de producao de uva isabel na regiao
  2. Postharvest Quality Maintenance of Table Grapes cv.’Alphonse Lavallée’by Exogenous Applications of Salicylic Acid, Oxalic Acid and MAP
  3. Na Sombra dos Parreirais: condições de trabalho e segurança das mulheres que atuam na produção de uvas finas de mesa no Submédio São Francisco
  4. Population Diversity of Grape Phylloxera in California and Evidence for Sexual Reproduction
  5. An experimental study of the surface and subsurface irrigation methods with respect to soil moisture on grape yard
  6. Evaluación de la aplicación de ácido giberélico y raleo manual para mejorar la calidad de racimos en el cultivar de uva Marroo seedless. INIAP Tumbaco-Pichincha.
  7. Final report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for table grapes from Sonora, Mexico
  8. Seedless table grape named ‘Arrathirtytwo’
  9. Comparative RNA-seq based transcriptomic analysis of bud dormancy in grape
  10. Changes in the phenolic profile of Argentinean fresh grapes during production of sun-dried raisins
  11. Knowledge of quality performance of some table grape varieties grown and obtained in the experimental field from UASVM Bucharest.

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