Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla viticoltura da tavola aggiornate al mese di maggio 2017.
- Fruit abscission and stem browning on table grapes
- ‘Sujeong’: A Green Seedless Table Grape Cultivar
- Relationship among color development, anthocyanin and pigment-related gene expression in ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapes treated with abscisic acid and sucrose
- Preliminary data on morphologhical, genetic and enologic of neglected authochtonous grape varieteis of Armenia
- Hertirrigación en uva de mesa
- An experimental study on the grape orchard: Effects comparison of two irrigation systems
- Increasing the shelf life of post-harvest table grapes (Vitis vinífera cv. Thompson Seedless) using different packaging material with copper nanoparticles to change the
- Modelling of the evolution of phenolic compounds in berries of “Italia” table grape cultivar using response surface methodology
- Quality, antioxidant compounds, antioxidant capacity and enzymes activity of ‘El-Bayadi’table grapes at harvest as affected by preharvest salicylic acid and gibberellic …
- Pilot Study Highlights Role of Grapes in Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease.