Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla viticoltura da tavola aggiornate al mese di Ottobre 2017.
- Relationships among volatile metabolites, quality and sensory parameters of ‘Italia’table grapes assessed during cold storage in low or high CO 2 modified …
- Intra-regional classification of grape seeds produced in Mendoza province (Argentina) by multi-elemental analysis and chemometrics toolsIntra-regional classification of grape seeds produced in Mendoza province (Argentina) by multi-elemental analysis and chemometrics tools
- Postharvest putrescine and ultrasound treatments to improve quality and postharvest life of table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Michele Palieri
- Enhanced Arabidopsis disease resistance against Botrytis cinerea induced by sulfur dioxide
- Use Of Some Essential Oils In Grape Storage
- The Exogenous Application of Abscisic Acid Induce Accumulation of Anthocyanins and Phenolic Compounds of the ‘Rubi’Grape
- Model Development to Predict Phenological scale of Table Grapes (cvs. Thompson, Crimson and Superior Seedless and Red Globe) using Growing Degree Days
- Influenza del portinnesto e del regime idrico sulla qualità dell’uva di tre varietà di uve da tavola
- Modified QuEChERS method for 24 plant growth regulators in grapes using LC-MS/MS
- Impactos da ferrovia transnordestina na exportação de uva do Vale Submédio São Francisco
- Diseño de estrategias para incrementar el nivel de efectividad en el proceso de despacho de uva Red Globe en la empresa exportadora de la zona de Jayanca, …
- Pulsed vacuum drying of Thompson seedless grape: effects of berry ripeness on physicochemical properties and drying characteristic
- Differential crop load and hormonal applications for enhancing fruit quality and yield attributes of grapes var. Flame Seedless
- Postharvest UV-C irradiation stimulates the non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant system of ‘Isabel’hybrid grapes (Vitis labrusca× Vitis vinifera L.)
- Improve the Yield and Quality of Red Roomy and Thompson Seedless Grape Cultivars