Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla frutticoltura aggiornate al mese di novembre 2018.
- Structural changes in roots of peach rootstock cultivars grown in soil with high zinc content
- Phenolics and the Antioxidant System in Postharvest Peach Combined with the Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry …
- Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial thioredoxin/glutaredoxin system of peach fruit during cold storage
- Compositional modifications of bioactive compounds and changes in the edible quality and antioxidant activity of â Friarâ plum fruit during flesh reddening at …
- Interaction of Maximum Daily Trunk Shrinkage and Fruit Quality in European Plum
- Plum tree named ‘Suplumfiftyfour’
- Impact of canning and storage on apricot carotenoids and polyphenols
- Effect of postharvest UV-C treatment on the microbial quality of â Å alakâ apricot
- Assessment of Some Sweet Cherry Cultivars in Comparison with Their Genitors under the Conditions of the North-Eastern Area of Romania
- Identification and Functional Characterization of Two Sigma Glutathione S-Transferase Genes From Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
- A test of tree protection zones: Responses of Quercus virginiana Mill trees to root severance treatments
- Effect of Dried Plum on Bone Biomarkers in Men
- Further investigation of a genetically divergent group of plum pox virus-M strain in Turkey
- Plum Sectorial Resistance to Plum Pox Virus
- In Vitro Propagation of Contemporary Vegetative Rootstocks for Plum