Pubblicazioni scientifiche: frutta a guscio – marzo 2017

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Quelli che seguono sono i link alle più recenti pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali sulla frutta a guscio aggiornate al mese di marzo 2017.

  1. Perceptions and Knowledge of Nuts amongst Health Professionals in New Zealand
  2. Incidence of aflatoxins contamination in dry fruits and edible nuts collected from Pakistan
  3. Aktivitas antioksidan, total bakteri asam laktat, sifat fisik dan tingkat penerimaan yoghurt almond (Prunus dulcis) sabagai produk…
  4. Studi tentag susu almond dan kentag sebagai alternatif minuman fungsional untuk anak autis
  5. Nuts as raw material for confectionary industry
  6. The phytosanitary status of the National Collection of fruits and nuts of Afghanistan and the private Mother Stock Nurseries: a virus survey
  7. Restrictions to use oven in determining water content for Brazil nuts
  8. Phenotypic characterisation of almond accessions collected in Afghanistan
  9. Implications of investigating pollination and cross compatibility in the almond varieties of Afghanistan

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